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Patient Drop-Off Form

Patient Drop-Off FOrm

Thank you for choosing Bayview Veterinary Hospital for your pet’s needs. Please fill out our patient drop-off form in its entirety to ensure we can provide you and your pet with the best possible care. Please Note: Any fields with * are required.

We may need to contact you or someone you trust to make medical and financial decisions. Please provide us with the two contacts and the best phone numbers for each.
If anesthesia is authorized above, please note that by signing this form you understand that some risk always exists with anesthesia, even in apparently healthy animals, including the possibility of death. I am the owner (or authorized agent of the owner) of the animal described above and have the authority to execute this consent. I realize that no guarantee, legal or ethical, can be made to me regarding the outcome of any procedure performed.
In the devastating event that your pet were to deteriorate and experience a cardiac arrest or respiratory arrest, no longer have a heartbeat or stop breathing our standard procedure would be to initiate Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR). Please note that costs of this can range from $300-$800+ depending on nature and duration of intervention. Under certain circumstances the veterinarian may recommend that resuscitation not be performed; as a pet owner you may prefer not to have resuscitation performed. In such cases you have the option to elect a Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) order.
Clear Signature
Owner Signature